Friday, September 28, 2012

Unexpected Results When Beginning Transformational Dialogues with Right Brain Start Up


GUEST BLOGGER: Dr. Craig Weiner, DC
Director, The Chiropractic Zone Healing Center -
Creator, The Transformational Dialogues -
Right Brain Aerobics Trainer -

Earlier this week I was hosting an evening of my Transformational Dialogues, an event discussing how to raise our adolescent girls as powerful women. As normally occurs, a crowd of 25 people or so hurriedly rush into the gathering space sometime between 5:55 and 6:05 for a six o'clock event starting time. My intention was for it to be an evening in which there could be a sense of safety and sacredness, where vulnerability and authenticity could emerge. Normally I begin the events with house announcements, like where are the restrooms, when is the next upcoming event, etc. Then we head directly into introductions and the event begins. This time I decided to do something different. After the instructions for the evening were given, I asked their permission to do a little exercise with me to help quiet the chaotic arrival energy. I then led the group in a Right Brain Start-Up* exercise from Right Brain Aerobics... … 

I must admit that I modified and tailored it a bit to the group and the topic. Using the cascade of three steps allowed the energy to become quieter, calmer and more grounded then I led everyone through their gratitudes -- but specifically gratitude for three young girls that were in their lives, to immerse them in the focus of the evening. For the self-affirmation section, I asked them to see themselves as teenagers, and affirm in retrospect, three aspects of themselves that with their current enhanced viewpoint, that they could love and appreciate.

The result was a group that had a greater connection to the focus of what we were discussing.  Most surprising, however, was the deep, heartfelt vulnerability and connection that the speaker had immediately upon telling her first story of being a young girl, of having lost "her inner voice" that it took many years to regain.  It was a touching and beautiful way to begin what turned out to be a wonderful evening and sharing.  I could not have asked for more....

  *Right Brain Start Up: Opening Level I exercise from Right Brain Aerobics

Dr. Craig Weiner, DC, Director
The Chiropractic Zone Healing Center -
Creator, The Transformational Dialogues -
Right Brain Aerobics Trainer -

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