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Right Brain Aerobics for Creativity, Innovation, Affirmation and Better Results
in Education
in Education
Right Brain Aerobics is a
comprehensive, practical mental/performance skills-building training program of
7 Components with dozens of exercises and techniques designed for career,
business, and now educational training and classroom approaches for all levels of trainees from students to Superintendents, CEOs and CIOs.
Specific Applications for Educational Outcomes:
The training components, techniques, and approaches can be applied in numerous ways, at any level, for any topic -- from how to lead and advance in careers to how to teach algebra and history in completely new ways with a more creative, innovative, and affirmative approach.
Applications include "alpha mind state" or "aha mind" group right brain-storming and daily practice programs for personal self-development; for more creative-intuitive-innovating learning and teaching, and new mental skills-building for new outcomes,
self-training, better thinking, more independent thinking and learning -- more multi-dimensional intelligence as well as integrating higher levels of creative-innovating and logical-linear thinking, cognition, and teaching/learning styles.
RBA exercises and techniques can be applied
daily for teachers, staff, and students to help transform educational
environments and outcomes. RBA Description, Take-a-Tour, Components, Testimonials
Right Brain Aerobics Author, Trainers, Distributor:
Right Brain Aerobics (RBA) was created by Sandra H.
Rodman, CEO. Former VP, Merrill Lynch and Sr. Director,
AT&T Wireless, former Director, Phoenix House Foundation rehabilitation programs, Chair, National Task Force on Programs and Planning, Therapeutic Communities of America. Decades in technology and training innovation, advanced
creative-intuitive-meditative practices, a Strategic Learning Systems Trainer with decades in training innovation study for career and education. Decades in theater arts and music. Contact: 425-214-2926 or
Worldwide Exclusive Distributor for Right Brain Aerobics
Educational & Corporate Training: Bill Gallagher, Pres., Gallagher
Management Co. Former senior IBM executive of over 15 years
with proven entrepreneurial skills in all aspects of business development
including direct operations, channels, and strategic alliances.
For Right Brain Aerobics Educaitonal Training Programs or to schedule a
90-min briefing/presentation, call 410-905-2055 or email
Information, Bio, Testimonials:
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Brain Aerobics has been conducted for...
Microsoft, CNN/Turner, CSX, Merrill
Lynch, Hewlett Packard, GP Strategies,
Stevenson University, Bastyr University, Pittsburgh Public Schools, Assoc. for Internal Management
Consultants and more. RBA has been selected by GP Strategies & Information
Technology Senior Management Forum for the
ITSMF “Creativity & Innovation Learning Portal.”
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Articles of Interest:
Importance of right brain/creative-intuitive-meditative mind and mental focus for career or education: See articles at RBA web site.
More creative, intuitive training and an emphasis on developing higher multi-dimensional intelligence skills can balance some of the effects of increased use of technology... enabling students, teachers, and staff to build new mind skills and creative abilities independent of technology, able to see with more expanded "aha" mind abilities. Here are some articles regarding impacts of technology, online only texting and communication, that indicate a great need and balancing of what we metaphorically call right brain or "creative-intuitive-meditative-collaborative" skills.
The most important message is: We can build new "super normal" and "super creative" brain skills and better understanding of why it is important to focus on human, not just digital learning, role models, and creative inspiration. Right Brain Aerobics provides numerous techniques and daily practices to do just that, whether in school, learning, reading -- or seeking to advance to the top CEO/CIO levels in companies. These articles below simply indicate where we need to start turning things around with more right brain ("aha" mind, creative) and well as left brain approaches to learning, teaching, leading, and health!
"Digital Dimentia on the Rise as Young People Rely more on Technology than Their Brain" UK Mail online
"...experts have found that those who rely more on technology suffer a deterioration in cognitive abilities more commonly seen in patients who have suffered a head injury or psychiatric illness."
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"3 Lessons: How We May Impede Kids from Healthier, Creative Minds--and What We Can Do About It." S.H. Rodman, Right Brain Blogs.
80% Loss of Creativity Since 1944?: Article from the IEEE (Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers), Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information Visualization, 2003, “Creative performance: does the computer retard artistic development?,” T. Kipp.
“Over the last decade, there have been several debates concerning the dominance of technology in academic disciplines such as fine arts and graphic design. Advanced imaging devices, such as fMRI and PET scans, have provided researchers with visual information in the field of brain science that may settle these debates. We outline a research study conducted among undergraduate art students to investigate the level of visual perception and creative development. .."
"Among the groups studied, the research concluded that artistic traits such as visual memory, perception and a critical eye for detail declined 80% as compared to research studies conducted in 1944. We present scientific research in the field of cognition and brain science, suggesting dominant use of technology in the arts retards intellectual and perceptual-motor skills.”
"Your Phone vs. Your Heart" NY Times. Use it or lose it.
"...the more attuned to others you become, the healthier you become, and vice versa. This mutual influence also explains how a lack of positive social contact diminishes people. Your heart’s capacity for friendship also obeys the biological law of “use it or lose it.” If you don’t regularly exercise your ability to connect face to face, you’ll eventually find yourself lacking some of the basic biological capacity to do so.""So the next time you see a friend, or a child, spending too much of their day facing a screen, extend a hand and invite him back to the world of real social encounters. You’ll not only build up his health and empathic skills, but yours as well. Friends don’t let friends lose their capacity for humanity."
"Here's What a Constantly Plugged-In Life Is Doing to Kids' Bodies" from Huffington Post. "This is your teen on screens."
NY Times Series: "Your Brain on Computers."
NY Times Series: "Digital Devices Deprive Brain of Needed Downtime."
NY TImes Series: "Attached to Technology and Paying a Price"
NY TImes Series: "The Risks of Parenting While Plugged In"
NY Times Series: "...Downside to an Always Plugged-In Life"
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But we can transform this, and build new brain/mind power! More right brain or intuitive "alpha state" mind found in meditative states can have powerful effect, including building new gray matter!
"Mindfulness Meditation Training Changes Brain Structure in 8 Weeks" referencing a Massachusetts General Hospital study
"How to Build a Bigger Brain" from UCLA Newsroom.
"Is It Right, Wrong, or Creative?" from a newsblurb in The Creativity Institute. (7th blurb down) "Ms. Stapelbroek ...makes[s] a case for nurturing creativity in children at early ages, and how creative teachers who prize creative responses can make a world of difference. The comments are in a letter to the editor in response to an article in PHYSICS TODAY, June 2005 by Lee Smolin entitled 'Why No 'New Einstein?' While the article makes a case for nurturing creativity at the graduate college level and beyond, Ms. Stapelbroek uses her children's experiences as examples of how valuing creativity and nurturing it from infancy has the greatest benefits."
"How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses." Wired Magazine. About creatively letting students collaborate and learn to teach themselves in the classroom, tapping their "Inner Genius." Tapping their "Inner Genius," Right Brain Start Up, and many Right Brain Aerobics exercises are to facilitate just this kind of approach, along with accessing the deeper more relaxed "aha" states of mind, using sound and deep mental focus exercises, to reach the "alpha" state associated with deep insight and creativity, innovating thinking - as well as reaping the benefits of entering into these deeper meditative-mind focus states.
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For Right Brain Aerobics Educaitonal Training Programs or to schedule a 90-min briefing/presentation, call Bill Gallagher, Pres., Gallagher Management Co., Worldwide Exclusive Distributor, Right Brain Aerobics.
410-905-2055 or email Information, Bio, Testimonials:
"Sometimes we
stare so long at a door that is closing, that we see too late the one that is
open." -- Alexander Graham Bell
(c) 2013, S.H. Rodman. Photo Credits: iStock, Fotolia, S.H. Rodman, B. Gallagher.